Admissions Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

研究生院为学生提供指导和信息,帮助他们遵守KU体育KU体育管理要求. However, 遵守学术规定和熟悉大学目录中包含的信息的最终责任在于学生.


What is FAU’s code for standardized tests (GRE, TOEFL, and GMAT)?

The FAU standardized test school codes are listed below:

GradCAS 5229 B886 9LX
EngineeringCAS 5229 B887 9LX
CSDCAS 7808 5229 N/A
College of Business 5229 5229 9LX
  • IELTS  – No code; designate FAU Graduate College.
  • Duolingo  – No code; designate FAU Graduate College.
Do all programs require the GRE or GMAT?
不,并不是所有的学位课程都需要标准化的入学考试.  Click here to view admission requirements for each degree program. 
How long are test scores valid for admission at FAU?
  • GRE – 5 years
  • GMAT – 5 years
  • TOEFL – 2 years
  • IELTS – 2 years
  • Duolingo – 2 years
What are the other admission requirements?
The admission requirements for FAU's graduate programs vary.  Click here  查看每个研究生学位课程的入学要求. For any questions specific to a graduate program, 请参考所提供的部门KU体育,并直接与他们联系.
How do I apply to one of FAU's graduate programs?
所有未来的学生必须在网上完成研究生院申请. 研究生院网站提供了国内和国际学生的详细申请说明. To view these instructions please  click here .
Applications can be completed at your own pace. The application can be saved and completed at a later date. 但是,不完整的申请将不被录取.
I have a degree from outside the United States. What should I do?

Foreign Credential Evaluation: 在国外完成全部或部分教育的研究生申请人需要对其外国证书进行评估. Depending on the program, 所要求的评估将是“一般”或“逐门课程”评估,每个机构的平均绩点. 申请人有两种选择获得外国证书评估:

  • Option 1) KU体育官网APP将在内部免费评估成绩单. Note: 由FAU完成的评估仅对FAU的录取目的有效. If you choose this option, 官方成绩单和英文翻译必须在申请截止日期前30天到达. To find more information on internal evaluations, visit
  • Option 2) Choose an independent evaluating company who is a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) 加入并将KU体育成绩单直接寄给评估公司. 由NACES成员组织完成的评估必须附有经过认证的文件. Evaluations completed by a NACES member should be sent directly to GradCAS and EngineeringCAS; hard copies should be sent to Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, Graduate College, SU-80, Room 101, Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991.  
    • All application portals (GradCAS, 工程(cas和商学院)提供让FAU完成翻译成绩单评估的选项.
Can I apply to more than one graduate degree program?

Yes. 你必须完成一份单独的申请,并为你申请的每个学位课程支付申请费.

How do I send my transcripts?

GradCAS:  College of Arts and Letters, College of Education, College of Medicine, College of Nursing, College of Science, College of Social Work and Criminal Justice.

US and English-Canadian Transcripts

  • Electronic (preferred):  GradCAS接受凭证解决方案的电子成绩单, Parchment, and National Clearinghouse.
  • Hardcopy:  Send hard copies of transcripts to the address below.
    GradCAS Transcript Processing Center
    PO Box 9217
    Watertown, MA 02471
  • International Transcripts:
    For internal evaluations,  FAU only accepts international transcripts in hardcopy.  Send to address below. 有关提交成绩单及翻译本的政策资料,请  click here.
    Florida Atlantic University
    777 Glades Road
    Graduate College, SU 80, Room 101
    Boca Raton, FL  33431-0991
  • NACES evaluations - send directly to GradCAS

EngineeringCAS:  College of Engineering and Computer Science

US and English-Canadian Transcripts

  • Electronic (preferred):  工程cas接受凭证解决方案的电子成绩单, Parchment, and National Clearinghouse.   
  • Hardcopy:  Send hardcopy of transcripts to address below
    EngineeringCAS Transcript Processing Center
    PO Box 9121
    Watertown, MA 02471
  • International Transcripts:
    For internal evaluations,  FAU only accepts international transcripts in hardcopy.  Send to address below. 有关提交成绩单及翻译本的政策资料,请  click here.
    Florida Atlantic University
    777 Glades Road
    Graduate College, SU 80, Room 101
    Boca Raton, FL  33431-0991
  • NACES evaluations - send directly to EngineeringCAS. 

College of Business:  All College of Business applications.

  • Electronic (preferred):  FAU接受凭证解决方案羊皮纸和国家票据交换所的电子成绩单.    
  • Hardcopy:  Send hardcopy of transcripts to address below.
    Florida Atlantic University
    777 Glades Road
    Graduate College, SU 80, Room 101
    Boca Raton, FL  33431-0991
  • International Transcripts:  For internal evaluations,  FAU only accepts international transcripts in hardcopy.  Send to address below. 有关提交成绩单及翻译本的政策资料,请  click here.
    Florida Atlantic University
    777 Glades Road
    Graduate College, SU 80, Room 101
    Boca Raton, FL  33431-0991
  • NACES evaluations – send to address above or
Yes, 研究生院需要收到你所就读的所有机构的正式成绩单.
Does FAU accept unofficial transcripts?
No. FAU only accepts official transcripts.
How will I be notified of an admissions decision?
完成的申请由申请人希望注册的部门/课程进行评估. 部门/项目根据项目的指定标准录取或拒绝申请人. Once a decision has been made, 研究生院将通过电子邮件通知申请人在线检查他们的录取决定.
Where do I get an I-20 form?
Once you are  admitted  全球参与中心办公室将与您联系处理您的I -20. 更多信息请访问全球参与中心网站  here .
Where can I get more information about military benefits?
军事和退伍军人事务办公室为退伍军人提供了许多资源. To learn more about military benefits please  click here .
Where can I get information about graduate housing?
The Department of Housing and Residential Education offers on-campus housing options and off-campus housing options across campuses.


Admitted Students

Please visit our  Newly Admitted Student webpage  新入学的学生的信息和有用的提示,让你开始, including a new student checklist, registration information, and MyFAU account log-in instructions.
Is there a new student orientation? Is it mandatory?
Yes, the Graduate College hosts New Student Orientations. 定向不是强制性的,但强烈鼓励所有学生参加. A non-refundable orientation fee of $35.00 is assessed to all students, regardless of their attendance.

一些学术课程还会举办新生迎新活动,这可能是强制性的. 所有新生都应该联系他们的研究生学位课程, program-specific orientations.
How do I get my NET ID and password for MyFAU?
Please visit the Graduate College  Orientation Manual  for detailed instructions regarding logging into MyFAU.
What is a “Z” number?

“Z”号是在FAU内用于识别目的的学生证. A “Z” number is assigned as follows:

GradCAS:  When an admission decision is made on your application, 您将收到研究生院的电子邮件,其中包含您的“Z”号码和门户网站链接,以访问您的录取决定状态.  

EngineeringCAS:  When an admission decision is made on your application, 您将收到研究生院的电子邮件,其中包含您的“Z”号码和门户网站链接,以访问您的录取决定状态. 

CSDCAS:  When an admission decision is made on your application, 您将收到研究生院的电子邮件,其中包含您的“Z”号码和门户网站链接,以访问您的录取决定状态.

College of Business:  A “Z” number is assigned once you submit an application.

有关研究生在佛罗里达州居留的所有信息,  click here .
Yes. For more information, contact or 561.297.2428. 您也可以访问我们的研究生院资助您的教育页面:
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For more information on FAU Financial Aid,  click here.



For more information on FAU Financial Aid, click here.