Excess Hours Surcharge

In 2009, the Florida Legislature implemented  Section 1009.286, Florida Statutes   鼓励学生尽可能快速有效地完成学士学位. It established what is commonly referred to as an "Excess Credit Hour Surcharge.该法案要求大学对超过完成学位所需总学时的每学时收取额外费用. 超过总工时的金额是根据法律规定的百分比计算的,被KU体育官网APP称为超额工时门槛. The amount charged per credit hour is a calculated amount referred to as the surcharge.  


Students entering FTIC SUS* or FTIC FCS* Fee to be charged
Prior to Fall 2009 None
Fall 2009 - Summer 2011 50% for credits above 120% of program
Fall 2011 - Summer 2012 100% for credits above 115% of program
Fall 2012 - Spring 2019 100% for credits above 110% of program
Summer 2019 - and thereafter 100% for credits above 120% of program

*SUS = State University System of Florida
*FCS = Florida College System


The surcharge is assessed only on the tuition portion of the semester hour cost, not on the fees.

符合额外学时附加费条件的学生,如果在2012年秋季之后连续两个学期未注册,并且在该学期的第一天之前连续第三个学期未注册,则中断连续入学, upon their return to the University, be subject to the 110% credit hour threshold and 100% surcharge.

Under Florida law, the following credit hours count towards Excess Credit Hours:  

  • Failed courses
  • Hours dropped after the University's drop/add period 
  • Courses from which a student withdraws 
  • Repeated courses. 例外情况:学生已缴付复读课程附加费的复读课程  Section 1009.285, Florida Statutes    
  • 所有在其他机构获得的学分,并接受转学和申请学士学位课程 

Under Florida law, the following credit hours do not count towards Excess Credit Hours:

  • College credit earned through articulated accelerated mechanisms such as AP, IB, CLEP, AICE, or dual enrollment
  • Credit hours earned through internship
  • Credit hours required for certification, recertification, or certificate programs 
  • Courses from which the student withdraws for reasons of medical or personal hardship 
  • Credit taken by active-duty military personnel
  • Credit hours taken to achieve a double-major while pursuing a baccalaureate degree 
  • Remedial and English-as-a-second-language credit hours 
  • Credit hours earned while participating in a Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC) program 

学士学位所需的学时数将由学生申报的专业确定. This is typically 120 semester hours, although, some programs have been approved to require more than 120 semester hours.

Every undergraduate student must have a degree evaluation identifying the degree requirements, the transfer courses applied to the degree, and the FAU courses applied to the degree by the end of their first semester at FAU. Please see your college advisor if you have questions.

If you would like to contact the State of Florida to ask questions about this policy, you can find contact information  here.

To provide feedback regarding this law, contact your legislator.


Frequently Asked Questions

What credit hours count towards Excess Credit Hours?

Under Florida law, the following credit hours count towards Excess Credit Hours:  

  • Failed courses
  • Hours dropped after the University's drop/add period 
  • Courses from which a student withdraws 
  • Repeated courses. 例外情况:学生已缴付复读课程附加费的复读课程  Section 1009.285, Florida Statutes 
  • 所有在其他机构获得的学分,并接受转学和申请学士学位课程 


What credit hours do not count towards Excess Credit Hours?
  • College credit earned through articulated accelerated mechanisms such as AP, IB, CLEP, AICE, or dual enrollment
  • Credit hours earned through internship
  • Credit hours required for certification, recertification, or certificate programs 
  • Courses from which the student withdraws for reasons of medical or personal hardship 
  • Credit took by active-duty military personnel 
  • Credit hours are taken to achieve a double-major while pursuing a baccalaureate degree 
  • Remedial and English-as-a-second-language credit hours 
  • Credit hours earned while participating in a Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC) program
What if I am pursuing double majors/degree?
If you have added a double major or degree and think that Excess Hours Surcharge might apply, you are encouraged to talk with your academic advisor about your Excess Credit Hours Surcharge. 
Are second bachelor's degrees included?
Second bachelor's degrees are not excluded from the Excess Credit Hour law. However, since most second bachelor's degrees only require that you complete an extra 30-40 hours, you most likely will not end up in an excess credit hour situation. 
What about credit for Certification?
Courses that are part of the class instruction preparation for a professional certification exam, may be excluded from your excess credit total.  这方面的例子可能是为您准备微软认证考试的计算机科学课程, or a foundational education class that prepares you for a teacher certification exam. In these cases, the one specific course that prepares you for the exam may be excluded from your total, but not all courses in the degree program.

Courses used for undergraduate certificate programs, as defined in the University catalog, 如果学生在申报专业的同时申报证书课程,是否可以考虑豁免超额学时. 必须完成证书课程的所有课程并颁发证书,才能申请豁免.
What about credit I earned while on active duty military?
All credit earned while on active duty is exempt from the Excess Credit Hour law. Documenting active duty military service is something that we do not currently track, so it is critical that you let us know of any credit that you have earned while on active duty. 您需要提交一份书面请求,并应将您的DD214副本作为上诉的一部分.
Do graduate courses count?
如果一些研究生课程被用于KU体育学士学位,比如建筑学或会计学,那么这些课程将被排除在KU体育超额学分计算之外. Credit that is only used for the graduate degree will be excluded.
What is the difference between Excess Hours Surcharge and Repeat Course Surcharge?
The Excess Hours Surcharge relates to Section 1009.286, 佛罗里达州法规,要求大学对超过完成学位所需总学时的每个学分增加附加费. The Repeat Course Surcharge relates to Section 1009.285, 佛罗里达州法规要求学生在同一本科大学学分课程注册两次以上,应支付全额教学费用的100%的学费. 
Can FAU waive the Excess Credit Hours fee?
No, an institution cannot waive the fee. The language of the statute is mandatory.
Who can I contact about my Excess Hours Surcharge notice?
有关超时工作时间附加费通知的问题,请发送至  excesshours@85500171.com .
How do I appeal an excess hour surcharge?
You can submit an appeal by completing the  Excess Hours Appeal form . For questions regarding Excess Hours Surcharge, please send all inquiries to  excesshours@85500171.com .


Definitions of the Excess Hours Summary
(Headings on the Unofficial Transcript in MYFAU)

Term you started at first Post-Secondary Institution
这是你第一次在佛罗里达州立大学系统内的高等教育机构注册的学期. FAU, UCF, FSU, etc.) or the Florida College System (ex. Palm Beach State College, Broward College, etc.).
Initial Degree Program
This entry lists your college/degree/major when you first entered at FAU (for example SC-BS-BIO). This will also include the required hours to complete the degree.
Current Degree Program
This entry would be your latest college/degree/major if it is different from the first. This will also include the required hours to complete the degree.
FAU Program Start Term
Base Degree Hours
At the time of your formal acceptance to FAU, your Base Degree Hours are calculated. This will represent all applicable transfer credits, as determined by your degree audit (less any hours excluded by statute described above), which are used toward your first declared college/degree/major (Degree Program).

举个例子:假设你从棕榈滩州立学院获得了20个学分,从布劳沃德学院获得了20个学分,但其中只有30个学分适用于KU体育学位要求. Then your Base Degree Hours would be 30. Once determined, this number of credits hours CANNOT be changed by a change of major. Most degrees at FAU require 120 credit hours.

In addition, 基础学位学时可以包括在FAU注册预专业或在宣布实际专业之前未申报/未决定的任何期间获得的适用学位学分.
Post Degree Hours
这代表了任何额外的转换学分,应该包括在原始基本学位小时计算中. 这可能是因为成绩单收到晚了,或者因为专业的改变可能允许在改变之前获得的适用转学分被包括在内.
Enrolled Hours
This is the total credit hours in which you are enrolled for the current term and any future terms.
Institution Historical Hours
Post Admit Transfer Hours
这是在其他高等教育机构获得的所有适用学位学分的总和  after  being admitted to an FAU degree program.
High School Dual Hours at FAU
Credit hours taken at FAU while still a high school student. This item is for information only. 这些学时不用于任何计算,也不计入超额学时.
Transfer High School Dual Hours
Credit hours are taken at another college or University while still a high school student . 这些学时不用于任何计算,也不计入超额学时.
Total Hours
This is your total hours added together.

Base Degree Hours + Post Degree Hours + Enrolled Hours + Inst. Historical Hours + Post Admit Transfer = Total Hours
Additional Hours Waived By Appeal

在下列项目下获得的学分已被排除在您的超额工时计算之外. If there are any additional credit hours from these items that you believe should be excluded, you may  file an appeal  and, if approved, those waived hours will appear in this area.

  1. 大学学分通过AP、IB、CLEP和AICE等明确的加速机制获得.
  2. Credit hours earned through an internship.
  3. Credit hours are required for certification, recertification, or certificate programs.
  4. 学生因医疗或个人困难而休学的课程学分.
  5. Credit hours are taken by active-duty military personnel.
  6. Credit hours are taken to achieve a dual major while pursuing a first baccalaureate degree.
  7. Remedial and English-as-a-second-language credit hours.
  8. Credit hours earned while participating in a Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program.
Excess Hours Percent

If you started an institution of higher education prior to Fall 2009 before starting FAU, then you are exempt from the excess hour surcharge.

If you started an institution of higher education, including FAU, between Fall 2009 through Summer 2011, then you are allowed 120 percent of your required program hours. Example: For a 120-credit program, 144 credits can be accumulated before the excess hour surcharge will be applied.

If you started, an institution of higher education, including FAU, between Fall 2011 through Summer 2012, then you are allowed 115 percent of your required program hours. Example: For a 120-credit program, 138 credits can be accumulated before the excess hour surcharge will be applied.

If you started, an institution of higher education, including FAU, in Fall 2012 or later, then you are allowed 110 percent of your required program hours. Example: For a 120-credit program, 132 credits can be accumulated before the excess hour surcharge will be applied.
Excess Hours Charge Percent

If you started an institution of higher education, including FAU, between Fall 2009 through Summer 2011, then, in the example above, you will be assessed an additional 50% tuition charge for each credit exceeding 144 credit hours.

If you started an institution of higher education, including FAU, between Fall 2011 through Summer 2012, then, in the example above, you will be assessed an additional 100% tuition charge for each credit exceeding 138 credit hours.

If you started an institution of higher education, including FAU, in Fall 2012 or later, then, in the example above, you will be assessed an additional 100% tuition charge for each credit exceeding 132 credit hours.
Excess Hours
Excess Hours Charge
这是每个学时超过所允许的总学时的金额. For example, if you entered in the Summer of 2019 or after, Excess Hours will be calculated for any credit hours over 120% or your program’s requirements. If your degree requires 120 credits, 超额学时附加费将适用于超过144学分的每学时(120% x 120学分= 144). Do note that some credits may not count towards the total. Please see above for further information.